Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Trippin on Tuesday.

1. This weather sucks. I want warmth. I need sunshine. I have cabin fever. EWww. Come on spring.

2. I am on the downhill slope to 30 and it's coming fast. I turn 29 this week. I have accomplished alot in my 29 years. But I want to accomplish more before I hit 30 next year. I want to be healthy- physically, psychologically, emotionally, spiritually.

3. Oprah yesterday. It seriously inspired me to heal myself in all kinds of ways.

4. My new shelving systems in my very bottom basement/storage room. They make me happy. Working on getting organized this week since Chuck is off work this week since he had to burn some vaca days. Its going good, except..

5. I got in to trouble at the doctors office today- for not taking it easy. It has caused me to regress some. My dang pelvis was out 2 inches. So now I am on rest requirements. 30 mins up max, then 30 mins resting. Not to exciting when you have a 3 page long honey do list you are trying to inforce!

6. My friend Shelley got engaged. I am so excited for her! I get to help with her wedding. Very excited about this. I love to be creative.

7. I am going to a Bachelorette Party next week! Yes! So excited. Going to Park City for a sleepover and all sorts of fun stuff. I might be the only married, mother there. So things could get exciting! haha!

8. I am giving 50ish pairs of shoes to the DI this week. I wish I knew another big footed gal out there that wore a size 11. dang orthopedic inserts. I'm such an old hag.

9. Facebook. I have caught up with some friends from way back this week and its so great. I might be slightly obsessed.

10. Swedish Fish. My little brother just brought a bulk bag from Costco to my house tonight and I can't stop eating them. They are nasty and gross and not on my diet. Intervention please.
11. I have been making Roman clean up his little messes he makes the last few days. Its so cute, part of my thinks it looks like child labor. Isn't his little grin priceless.

12. I got these awesome decorations for the shower I hosted this week at Hobby Lobby. Seriously. I love that store so much it hurts and I want to buy everything inside.

13. This cake I made for the party. Speaking of loving things til it hurts. I can't even express how bad of a dieter I am.

14. Like the awesome Parents that we are.. we FINALLY put together Roman's big Christmas present last week. This cute car.. He is obsessed. He sits in it all day. He reads in it, he eats in it, he drinks in it, he even goes potty in it, well in his diaper of course. He watches his Cartoons in it. He just plain loves it. I love it for that reason.

15. As you can also see. He has finally started to smile for the camera. He smiles so hard in fact that it looks painful. Its so sweet though. And he giggles. Gone our the stoic pictures of the past (for a while anyways) and now we are on to half closed eyes goofy pics. LOVE IT!


Jessica said...

Oh that Roman is so darn cute! I just want to squeeze his little cheeks!

BTW, I think I can help you out with that Sweidish Fish situation.

Anonymous said...

Oh so cute! Noah has those exact same soft football jammies - he has the on right now! Noah loves that car too! Oh boys ! I so love your trippin on Tuesdays- Take it easy ok chica! Direct traffic from couch!

Sheri said...

I love your tuesday posts. Oprah was really good...We need to buy one of those cars I got one at a garage sale but one of the wheels is messed up so it doesnt work. LAME. Hope you are doing good!

eMily eLiZaBeTh said...

what the crap is hobby lobby? that stuff looked amazing. so jess i godda say, im so sorry your feeling so shitt* im going to come get roman soon. you need a chill day alone. oh and friday??? are you dressing up? im so dressin up baby! cant wait!! love ya. oh, im so excited for shelly, they are so cute

Eric and Tracey said...

That cake looks so YUM! And I so need to find a hobby lobby, my sis-in-law loves it too - I've never been there. HAPPY BIRTHDAY too!! I still can't believe I turned 30 last fall already! The new Beehives this year in YW were born the year I graduated H.S.!! Crazy, crazy!!

pinkmorning said...

oh, you can help me with the shower i am giving oh party planner extraordinaire! can you still get together monday? it would be fun to do lunch and then go to zurchers or something. what do you think??? i have the information for the invites. do you want me to email it to you? i thought i could pay you on monday (or whatever day we go) or i could just pay you via paypal if you have a paypal account.

Amber Bennett said...

Your little Roman is so cute. I love his smiles. It is fun when they start responding to the camera.

Amy said...

What kind of cake was that and when are you making me one:)

Hogan Family said...

Happy Birthday. I had the same realization two weeks ago for my birthday. 50 pairs of shoes. Wish I was a size 11. I will agree Swedish fish are the devil. My honey loves them and buys them, so I eat em. Sick. Hobby Lobby, never heard of it. You host the best parties, decorations, cake and all.
Is that Shelley S that is getting married? How great!!!!! I have not seen her forever.