Have I ever mentioned that I am a complete Christmas FREAK. I love Christmas and everything about it. The music, the happiness, the beautiful decorations, the holiday cheer, the shopping and mostly the celebration of Christ's birthday.
Tonight with the help of my friend Danielle (she owed me a favor) I got a small part of my Christmas decorations up. My little brother is headed down tomorrow to put up our outside light and I am going to spend the next week getting the rest of my decorations up! Busy Busy!
Anyways- Below is my porcelain Nativity Scene. I love this so much. It has the perfect Joseph and Mary and the perfect little baby Jesus.
I had some major handy girls helping me decorate the tree this year. I watched my friends little girls and they had a major blast! Hua kept her little booty on that ladder all night hanging ornaments. It was very serious business- as you can tell by her face.

Yasi helping out.
Hua showing Roman the ropes.
Roman decorating like a good MAN!

Tiare helping too!