Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Tagged- Highlight your high school friend..

I got tagged by darling Brookey- The premise is to highlight one of your friends from high school.

I am highlighting my bestest friend in the entire world Candice.

She is such an important part of my life. When have both been there for each other through the rollercoaster of life. She lives in California :( which makes me sad- but it makes me happy to go visit her. She is a wonderful Mom to 2 precious girls. She likes to shop- like me.. except she can shop in the kids section when I shop in the plus size. She is 7 inches shorter than me- so we look kinda silly together. No matter if we go a few months with out seeing each other- it always feels the same. I am as close to her as my sister. She knows ALL my deep dark secrets- even ones that no one else knows. I trust her with my life. I love her because she is so caring. She always offers to help, to be friendly and to do the dirty work. She never judges me and lets me be bossy and a control freak- ( she probably rolls her eyes at me alot though)!

She didn't have the best childhood or the perfect family life- but she has risen above it and is an extra good mom. I know I can tell her anything- and she will keep a secret. She is loyal to the ones she loves and she also has really good skin. I hate her for that- you know that nice skin that tans so pretty- that always is moisturized and never has zits.. (although once a Mary Kay lady did tell her she had acne.. we still laugh about it!) She is dead sexy as a blonde or brunette. She is petite. I wish I was petite. She has been asked before if she is Reese Witherspoon. I am sure after I post this I will be able to think of a million other things. But that is Candice in a nutshell. One flaw though- she doesn't check my blog very often so she might miss this- but I love her anyways! LOVE YOU CANDICE!
I tag- Kristy E., Jessica R. and Challis

Here is a picture of her cute kids..


Sheri said...

So cool! Candices girls are so cute. Beautiful actually. I want to do a tagg too!

pinkmorning said...

what a sweet tribute to your friend.

B&C Parke Family said...

This is perfect! thanks for the tag. It is so theraputic to write stuff down!