Monday, July 14, 2008

1. Add a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments. I can't wait to see what people remember.


dandjyoung said...

I'll never forget the first memorial day we saw you at the cemetary in Inkom. We share something at that place that is wonderful. I can imagine them being friends and playing in heaven.

Lacey said...

I remember the first WW meeting we went together. I remember you had something like 14 layers of clothes on! I remember laughing at the weirdos, crazy work stories, and you making fun of my blue crocs. I also remember stopping at Cafe Rio after!

A funny memory I have of you is you running down the isle at church chasing Roman in sacrament meeting and when you lifted him up - whoops! Up went your skirt! You may have been to frazzled to notice but we though it was hilarious! Love you!

Kristy said...

Okay I remember accusing you of lying at book club. You "claimed" that you made the delicious and oh so pretty chesseball when I asked you where you bought it. I think I told you something like "Yah, right! Sure you made this" and you gave me the cold stare and said "Yes, I did".
OOPS! Foot in my mouth again. I did some great back pedaling explaining how great and professional it looked and tasted whcih is why I thought you had bought it. BTW can I have the recipe still?
Plus I have another recent memory involving something about a stimulus and a great big something and some paint fumes. Hmmm... if I could only remember the details of that one. Maybe you can? Than you can tell everyone that story yourself! That is if you care to share :0

Sheri said...

I remember riding with you to the worst job in the whole world. Getting our stinky/lazy boss pancakes from McyDees and one time you got pulled over in Inkom and got a ticket....I still feel bad. I think we went to the Maverick a lot too...Thanks for giving me rides everywhere. My parents were so lame!

Rachelle said...

Jess this is really hard I have very many memories of you...Also the first memory of you was so stinkin long ago, my memory does not work that well even in my young age. You lived in the little white house in McCammon and Britnee Barnes and I went over to hang out with you. (see I really can't remember that well).I think we were in the 6th or 7th grade??? What I do remember though is when you lived next door to me on the Hwy 30. You probably don't know this but I would come up and visit you and your mom when life was sucky down the lane with my ex-husband. I usually ended up borrowing some movies too. Thanks for being a good friend and awesome neighbor.

Amy said...

I remember the first time I met you, you came over to my house with a cute baby gift for Logan. We swapped sad infertility stories and had a good laugh too. Thanks for always being real, and for being so sweet. Oh yeah...btw you make one mean strawberry shortcake, did i mention to you that I ate half of that cake myself? Guess I better run a little further this week to make up for it.

Hogan Family said...

My memory is not so great, but I do remember a large party you had at your house in Inkom. I think all our girlfriends were there. I don't recall much other than lots of junk food and having a party all night, lots of FUN.
I have so many memories of basketball with you, it is hard to just pick one. I loved it when you would bump into girls on purpose and they would want to fight and you would say "Bring it on gangsta". Of course my money was on you. If I recall, I think some girls from Soda came to our school once wanting to fight you and Nikki. Funny.
I also remember one time your brother, I think, put diesel in your neon. Sure caused a few problems. You were pissed.

Thanks for the good times.

*** said...

One of my favorite memories of being kids together was riding Grandma's tricycle around peddling and the other in the basket :). We cruised around in that thing ALL the time! I just loved, loved, loved it. That and you telling me jokes on the porch when we were tykes -- you've always been the entertainer and storyteller! I'm pretty sure I have a picture that captures that moment.

Jessica said...

I have lots of great memories of you. Most of them include delicious food that you delivered to my door! I thank my lucky stars every day to have you as my next-door neighbor.

My very first memory of you is when you and Chuck drove up to come check on your house and I brought Michael over to meet you. You gave me a shortened version of your life story, and I thought, "I like this girl!" You have always been so fun to talk to.

I loved being at your sealing, and I was honored to have you share picures of Brittan and invite us to the funeral. You are so generous, and I have really valued our friendship.