Wow- this feels so good- to blog- to type to do something besides lay with my feet propped and feel sorry for myself.. okay so for this installment of Trippin on Tuesday..
1. 24- Whoa daddy. Who knew how amazing this show is. I have been hooked all day so hence the reason this post is so late- I am addicted. Its so good. My child did not get of his jammies today- matter of fact neither did I. Thanks to the many friends who recommended. 2. How something so incredibly naughty can be so incredibly cute. I told him not to touch the lotion bottle- and then continued reading my 80th book this week and glanced down when I smelled lotion. No only was he rubbing it on himself but also in to my new carpet. Such a good boy. Ugh. He was proud though and it was really hard to put him in time out. But I did it.
3. Roman had his 15th hair cut. Need I say more?
5. How do things like this happen? What type of mother takes a picture of her toddler slurping her pop until his eyes water? I do- because I am a terrible mother- and those eyelashes just pull me in- and I let him get away with murder- but those lashes...
6. My baby colors- since we have been stuck in the house lately Roman and I have been coloring so much. He says "CAWOW"- its the cutest thing, And is starting to say his colors. He has really started to talk so much in the last 2 weeks and just repeats about any word. Scary right! I love so much that he is starting to communicate with us and he has the funniest little personality.
7. Senator Edwards and his love affair- yes he cheated on his wife- what a bastard! I loved that man and he was my first overall pick for President. Ugh- I hate it when politicians let us down. Such a bummer. And his wife has untreatable cancer.. I mean could it get worse? Not to mention the lady he cheated with sounds like a total bimbo- good thing I get US Weekly so I could get the real story- right?
8. The Olympics- I have been glued to them at night- from the beach volleyball to the gymnastics to of course the swimming! This is really my first year that I have had the time to sit and watch- Not to mention my pain keeps me up until the wee hours of the morning- Nothing like a radical game of badminton at 3am. Did you know that is an Olympic sport? And so is trampoline flips and stuff. Pretty much the best late night TV ever.
9. This video from JibJab-- SO FUNNY!
10. This website-- A totally parody of mormonville life but so hilarious. Honestly I read it for like an hour last night.
11. Breaking Dawn- I really liked it- I had MANY friends who are Twilight lovers who hated it- there is even a petition online you can sign if you didn't like how she wrote it-(do people honestly have that much time on their hands- I mean I do but still). Its funny how peoples tastes and likes differ so much. Can't wait to hear what you girls thought.
12. China- Seriously- who doesn't let a little girl sing her sweet little voice for the world because she has buck teeth. Read this story.
Okay I would like to make this post even longer but I am dying to get ONE more episode of 24 in before I go to bed...